By youth for youth
The student-led committee will think of, organise, and host events in relation to future technologies for the entire student body to take part in throughout the academic year. GAKU will support the committee and school through providing them with necessary resources and advice on how to operate.
A student led learning platform
The committee will be launched in various schools throughout the world. Their mission is to create opportunities for their entire student body (along with teachers) to learn about future technologies with the consultation and advice from GAKU.
Create a space for students
to learn about Future Technologies.
Work experience or internships
for outstanding students supported by GAKU.

new technologies
CyberNFTs are increasing in popularity. Students can be ahead of the game by learning how they are created and risks of purchasing and selling them.
Learn about what a blockchain is and how it impacts our future as its usage and possibilities become limitless.
What is cryptocurrency and how is it created, used, purchased, and sold? Learn about the new dimensions of finances and its possibilities.
What is this new technology and how does it impact the future of social media, the metaverse, our education and everything else?
health & Wellness
Lecture for teachers and parents to better understand the positive and negative impacts of technology and how I can be efficiently and safely used in the classroom.
Is esports a sport? How do athletes train and how do they take care of their mental and physical well being?
How does technology impact your brain function? What are the positive and negatives to be aware of to better utilise your devices?
How can your personal social media impact your mood and self esteem? Is social media as bad as some say? What are some trends that we should be aware of.

Business & Technology
Invite company founders as an opportunity to seek insight and advice in the tech industry as they share their expertise and experiences. Young students can start to develop an entrepreneurial mind.
Is the esports industry moving forward? What are the parallel industries that impact the athletes, audience, content creators, and other stakeholders?
What is it and how is it impacting our future? What do we have to be aware of and how can current technology impact this in a positive or negative manner?
BUSINESS USE. What is the difference between your personal and business social media accounts? How can LinkedIn be used and what is a instagram business account?
Frequently asked
Contact us at
GAKU will provide infinite resources to the committee to host events throughout the academic year to learn about future technologies.

A program that ensures a
safe environment for young students, teachers, and parents to learn about how and when to use technology and how it affects our lives.

Bootcamp academy
A program for university athletes to take part in a simulated bootcamp experience as well as participate in prime tournaments.